Witness Using Covered

The vision for Covered is to become the universally recognized symbol of Christian law enforcement professionals and the most effective tool for evangelizing the lost within the culture.

The most effective method of personal evangelism is simply to “walk the walk.”  In Acts 1:8, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will empower us to be witnesses.  The original word used for “witnesses” in this passage is “martyr,” so we are to be martyrs for Jesus Christ.  Being a martyr does not necessarily mean that we must physically die, but rather that we sacrifice our life – our will, our ways, our desires, our manner of living – for the sake and cause of Jesus Christ.

We must be witnesses before we can do witnessing.  But, when people see a difference, they will want to know the reason for the difference.  Covered becomes an aid, a tool, in this process.  When others see the logo, they will want to know its meaning.  Then, the opportunity instantly presents itself to explain salvation and share your story of new life in Christ.  In fact, simply telling the story of how you met Jesus and the difference He has made in your life will impact others in immeasurable ways.

There is no set formula, but your conversation may begin by explaining the “thin blue line” concept.  Then explain how there is another separation between good and evil, order and chaos, and a covering from harm…the blood of Jesus.  So, Covered is the blue line of law enforcement as it meets the red line of Jesus’ blood.  Finally, share your story of salvation.  As the Holy Spirit leads, and based on the response, ask to pray with the other person.  Your explanation could take as little as 2 minutes or as long as the conversation allows.

Our prayer is that God will draw thousands within the profession, Covered will create the open door for ministry, and that the profession will be transformed as lives are saved and Christian officers are strengthened and supported.